Guadalupe Alexander
Staff Sergeant Guadalupe Alexander was assigned to Combined Arms Support Command and served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, where she was involved in numerous firefights with the enemy.
QUESTION: What is your title?
My title, I'm a training developer for the MOS 92 Alpha, which is a automated logistical
specialist. We create lessons plans, the critical tasks that the Soldiers need to know out on the
forefront. We constantly update lessons and then shoot it out to the force.
QUESTION: Why did you join the Army?
To be honest with you, I joined the Army because of my child. Sorry [LAUGHS], it just I felt
like I couldn't provide for him [CRYING] like I wanted to, and this was the only way to go. I
don't want to cry, I'm not going to cry, [LAUGHS] and like, I ended up crying. It just seemed
like a better life for him. For him to see that my mom did something good, and my mom is
doing something great for me. And to this day, he believes that. And I'm grateful that he does.
QUESTION: It's emotional stuff.
QUESTION: What is your title?
GUADALUPE ALEXANDER: My title, I'm a training developer for the MOS 92 Alpha, which
is an automated logistical specialist. We create lessons plans, the critical tasks that the Soldiers
need to know out on the forefront. We constantly update lessons and then shoot it out to the
QUESTION: Why did you join the Army?
GUADALUPE ALEXANDER: To be honest with you, I joined the Army because of my child. I
felt like I couldn't provide for him [CRYING] like I wanted to, and this was the only way to go.
I don't want to cry, I'm not going to cry, [LAUGHS] and like, I ended up crying. It just seemed
like a better life for him. For him to see that my mom did something good, and my mom is
doing something great for me. And to this day, he believes that. And I'm grateful that he does.
QUESTION: It's emotional stuff.
GUADALUPE ALEXANDER: Yes, it is, who would ever thought. To be honest with you,
when I first enlisted I was like, I'm only going to do the six years that the Army told me to do.
Before you know it, my six years were up and I was back two more, put me at eight, next thing I
know, two more, put me at ten. Now I'm sitting at 20. I would a never have thought that in a
million years.